Svetski klasici, popularni među mladima, na engleskom i srpskom jeziku. Savršena metoda za učenje engleskog jezika.
„Oliver Tvist – Oliver Twist“
Čarls Dikens
Dikensovo siromašno detinjstvo inspirisaće njegova najbolja dela (
Oliver Tvist,
Dejvid Koperfild,
Zla vremena), koja su imala snažnu društvenu i kritičku notu.
Godine 1836. urednik mu je pružio priliku da u mesečnim nastavcima objavljuje
Pikvikov klub, kojim će se proslaviti.
Otprilike u isto vreme objavio je još jedan roman u nedeljnim nastavcima,
Olivera Tvista, u kome je neulepšano opisao težak život najsiromašnijih ljudi. Knjiga je postigla ogroman uspeh.
Dickens's early economic privations inspired his best novels (
Oliver Twist,
David Copperfield,
Hard Times), which had great social and critical content.
In 1836 his editor offered him the cance of writing a monthly serial,
The Papers of the Pickwick Club, which would bring him fame.
Around the same time, he wrote another novel in weekly episodes,
Oliver Twist, in which he crudely described the harsh lives od the poorest. It had enormous success.
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„Tajanstveno ostrvo – The Mysterious Island“
Žil Vern
Osim što je u svoje romane uključivao najnovija naučna dostignuća, Vern je i nagovestio mnoga druga, kao što su putovanja svemirom i pod vodom.
Studirao je pravo, ali je ubrzo rešio da piše. Njegov prvi roman
Pet nedelja u balonu (1862) toliko ga je proslavio da je nstavio da piše fantastične avanturističke priče.
Tajanstveno ostrvo pisano je u nastavcima tokom dve godine (1874-1875) i jedan je od njegovih najpoznatijih romana. Vern u njemu kroz junaka Sajrusa pokazuje koliki je značaj nauke u našem životu.
Verne, besides including the latest scientific advances of the time in his novels, anticipated many others, like travelling in space or under water.
He studied law but soon decided to write. His first novel,
Five Weeks in a Balloon (1862), made him so famous that he went on writting fantastic adventure stories.
The Mysterious Island was written and published in serial form over two years (1874-75) and is one of the most famous. In it, he shows the importance od science in our lives, through the figure of Cyrus.
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„Put u središte Zemlje – Journey to the Center of the Earth“
Žil Vern
Ushićen naučnim napretkom svog doba, Žil Vern nas u knjizi
Put u središte Zemlje (1864) navodi da poverujemo da je moguće spustiti se u dubine naše planete. Pisac je proučavao geologiju, mineralogiju i paleontologiju i opisima praistorijskih životinja zaprepastio stručnjake.
Jules Verne, excited by the scientific progres of his age, make us believe, in
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864), that it is possible to descent into the depths of the planet. The author did research into geology, mineralogy and paleontology, and astounded experts with his descriptions of prehistoric animals.
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„Mobi Dik – Moby Dick“
Herman Melvil
Mobi Diku Melvil se osvrće na zlo, otelovljeno u dva glavna lika: s jedne strane je kit, koji predstavlja zlo bez osećanja pošto uništava sve na šta naiđe, a s druge je kapetan Ahab, koji predstavlja uporno zlo, pošto ga njegova lična mržnja i glad za osvetom teraju da goni kita iako time izlaže opasnosti živote svojih ljudi.
Moby Dick, Melville reflects on evil as represented in the principal characters: on the one hand the whale, which represents senseless evil, as it destroys everything it comes across; on the other hand Captain Ahab, who represents a stubborn evil, as his personal hatered and desire for revenge makes him hunt the whale down, even though he is putting his men's lives at risk.
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„Ostrvo s blagom – Treasure Island“
Robert Luis Stivenson
Stivenson je napisao
Ostrvo s blagom kad je video da njegov nećak vodenim bojama slika mapu ostrva. Počeo je da smišlja imena za ostrvo: Ostrvo kostura, Brdo Durbin, dok naposletku nije, u gornjem desnom uglu stranice, napisao „Ostrvo s blagom“.
Posle duge bolesti („četrnaest godina ni jednog jedinog dana nisam bio zdrav“, napisao je), umro je na ostrvu Upolu u južnom Pacifiku, gde je u to doba živeo.
Šta mislite, je li našao blago na tom ostrvu?
Stevenson wrote
Treasure Island when he saw his nephew use watercolours to paint the map of an island. He began to give the island names: Skeleton Island or Spyglass Hill, until finaly writing „Treasure Island“ in the upper right-hand part of the page.
After a long illnes („for fourteen years I have not know a single day of health“ he wrote), he died on the Island of Upolu, in the South Pacific, where he was livin at the time.
Do you think he found his treasure on the island?
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„Avanture Šerloka Holmsa – The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes“
Artur Konan Dojl
Sva dela Artura Konana Dojla zasenio je uspeh
Avantura Šerloka Holmsa, koje su najpre objavljene u nastavcima u časopisu
Strand 1891, a potom su, 1892, sabrane u zbirku od dvanaest priča. Pisac je dobro postupio što ih je objavio u formi kratkih priča i stvorio detektiva izuzetnih moći opažanja i zaključivanja.
Conan Doyle's entire work was overshadowed by the success of
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which was published in instalments in the Strand magazine from 1891 and later gathered in a book containing 12 adventures in 1892. The author was right to publish them as short stories and create a detective with an enormous capacity for observation and deduction.
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„Robinson Kruso – Robinson Crusoe“
Danijel Defo
Prvi i najpoznatiji roman Danijela Defoa bio je
Robinson Kruso, objavljen 1719., kad je piscu bilo gotovo šezdeset godina i postigao je veliki uspeh. U toj knjizi pisac prikazuje kako su ljudi uz trud, strpljenje i dovitljivost mogu da savladaju razne poteškoće, a u isto vreme pokazuje nam i da treba da komuniciramo s ljudima i budemo deo društva.
Osim što je bio novinar i romanopisac, Danijel Defo napisao je preko pet stotina knjiga. Najpoznatija među njima je
Mol Flanders.
Rođen je u Londonu oko 1660, a umro 1731, i celog života je putovao po svetu.
The first and most famous of Daniel Defoe's novels was
Robincon Crusoe, which was published in 1719, when he was nearly 60 years old, and it was a great success. This story shows how human beings are capable of overcoming difficulties through effort, patience and ingenuity, at the same time as it shows our need to communicate and form part of society.
Apart from being a journalist and novelist, Daniel Defoe was the author of more than 500 books. Among his novels, one of the most famous is
Moll Flanders.
He was born in London around 1660 and died in 1731, having travelled widely in his life.
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„Drakula – Dracula“
Brem Stoker
Brem Stoker, irski pisac, tvorac je
Drakule, romana strave i užasa objavljenog 1897, koga su proslavile filmske i pozorišne verzije.
Stoker je detinjstvo proveo bolujući, u postelji, pa ga je majka zabavljala pričama o duhovima.
Stoker je u Drakuli dao originalnu interpretaciju legende o vampirima jer je, iako je bio inspirisan narodnim pričama i drugim književnim ostvarenjima, svom junaku dao neodoljivu privlačnost i tako spojio strah od smrti sa žudnjom za besmrtnošću i ljubavi.
Bram Stoker, an Irish writer, is the creator of the horror novel Dracula, published in 1897 and whose version for stage and screen have made it a classic.
Stoker spent his chilhood sick in bed and his mother entertained him with ghost stories.
He produced an original interpretation of the legend of the vampire Dracula, as although he was inspired by folklore and other literary works, he gave his character an irresistible attraction, thus combining the fear of death with the thirst for immortality and love.
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„20.000 milja pod morem – 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea“
Žil Vern
Žil Vern je pisao klasične avanturističke romane s naučnim elementima, u kojima je stvarao naučnofantastične priče.
Posle uspeha romana
Pet nedelja u balonu (1862) nastavio je da piše fantastične avanturističke knjige.
20.000 milja pod morem objavljivan je u nastavcima 1869. i 1870. Iznenađujući su njegovi opisi tolikih morskih stvorenja i predela, kao i izumi koji tad još nisu postojali ili koje je unapredio svojom maštom, kao što su električna podmornica i ronilačka odela.
Jules Verne wrote classic adventure novels of a scientific nature, in which he creates stories of science fiction.
Following on from the success of
Five Weeks in a Balloon (1862), he carried on producing fantastic adventure books.
20.000 Leagues Under the Sea was published in installments in 1869 and 1870. His descriptions of so many marine creatures and landscapes are surprising, as are the inventions which as yet did not exist, or which he improves on with his imagination, such as electric submarines and diving suits.
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„Pustolovine Toma Sojera – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer“
Mark Tven
Uspomene na detinjstvo i mladost bile su glavna inspiracija Marka Tvena za roman
Pustolovine Toma Sojera, čija se radnja odvija u seocetu na obali Misisipija nalik mestu u kome je pisac proveo najranije godine života, Hanibalu u Misuriju, na jugu SAD, gde je u to doba još postojalo ropstvo.
Iako je mnogo vremena prošlo otkako je napisana, 1876, ova knjiga je i dalje vrlo popularna među mladim svetom.
His memories of boyhood and youth were Mark Twain's inspiration for
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, set in a small township on the shores of the Mississippi River, similar to that where the author lived in the earliest years of his life, Hannibal, Missouri, in the south of the United States, where at the time slavery still existed.
In spite of all the time that has passed since it was written in 1876, it is still a popular story with lots of young people.
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